Does Dam Development Brings Inter-Community Linkage?: Grand Renaissance Dam of Ethiopia as a Case in Point


  • Shalemu Seyoum * Department of Political Science and International Relations, Woldia University, Woldia, Ethiopia



Dam development on the Nile River is not a recent phenomenon. It traced back to the past decades. However, the dam building nations had unilaterally determined the development of a dam on the Nile River. Ethiopia was not part of the decision despite its huge flow of the flooding from the river Abbay. Due to demanding legal and political changes of the region, Ethiopia is now undertaking a big project on the river. Even though the decisions of dam development of Ethiopia call international attention among academia, policy makers and media personnel’s, implications of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam for intercommunity linkage currently has not received the desired levels of critical scholars. To the best of my knowledge, the problem has not yet been investigated. The purpose of this research is, therefore, to investigate the implication of the GERD for inter-community linkage. The research approach of this study is qualitative and case study is taken as a research design. Both primary and secondary data sources were used for the study. Semi-structured interview, key informants, field observation and document reviews were data collection instruments. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The finding of this study indicated that, albeit others, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam evokes the feeling of national unity and a limited intercommunity linkage. Other things remains constant, the inception of GERD opens an opportunity to share culture, possibility of trade relations, reducing prejudice and having a shared community. Therefore, this article argues that beyond the economic benefit that will come out of GERD, it evokes deepened feelings towards inter-community linkage.



Abbay, Dam Development, GERD, Inter-community




How to Cite

Seyoum, S. . . (2018). Does Dam Development Brings Inter-Community Linkage?: Grand Renaissance Dam of Ethiopia as a Case in Point. Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 3(1), 1–9.



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