Assessing Liquid Waste Management Practices in Dessie City, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia




Liquid waste is a global problem because of its ability to enter watersheds, pollute ground and drinking water when improperly handled and disposed. Liquid wastes generated from housing units, municipal services, businesses and institutions hotels, restaurants, condominium, public toilet, bathrooms, government and nongovernmental organizations create a huge environmental and health problems. This study evaluatedthe major sources, types and nature of liquid waste generated in Dessie City. The study used a mixed research method.Both primary and secondary data sources were used for data collection. A stratified multistage sampling procedure was used to select 300 sample households. The data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The result of the study revealed that about 64% of the toilets were privately owned and the rest 32% and 4% were communal and public toilets respectively. The lack of public toilets is compounded by the poor management and improper usage of the existing facilities by the community. This indicates there is shortage of public toilets in the city. As a result most of them are damaged and not providing the required services.The by-products of Dessie City abattoir are disposed of by sewerage canals that are connected to Borkena River. Moreover, Dessie Referral Hospital is discharging its waste water through pipelines into the surrounding settlements and it is also gradually percolates down into Borkena River. Therefore, the study recommends repair and properly maintain the existing public toilet facilities to ensure they are functional and provide the required services to the community; implement proper treatment and disposal mechanisms for the waste by-products from the Dessie City abattoir before discharging them into the Borkena River. This would help mitigate the environmental pollution of the river.


LiquidWaste, Waste management, Dessie city, Sewerage canal




How to Cite

Assefa, A.- meta. (2024). Assessing Liquid Waste Management Practices in Dessie City, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia. Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 13–29.



Original Research Articles