Power of Politics, Patterns of Dynastic Marriage and Elite Family Integration in Ethiopia: The Experience of Gondarine Period, 1636-1769





This study investigates the pattern of dynastic marriage that linked the royal court with various provinces during the Gondarine period (1636–1769), ultimately resulting in elite family integration and ensuring state continuity. This inquiry seeks to shed light on the significance of dynastic marriage in maintaining the power balance and cohesion of the elite family integration state during the period under study. The Gondarine period was a remarkable time in which a state successfully sustained its power and territorial integrity through strategic dynastic marriage arrangements and ensuing elite family integration. This traditional practice, which involved political alliances between monarchs and provincial chiefs, served as a means of balancing power, managing common interests, and fostering unity among the royal classes. Throughout the periods under study, various Gondarine emperors such as Fasiledes (1632-1667), Iyasu (1682-1706) and Mintiwab (1728-1767) established political marriage alliances with various provincial ruling classes such as Eritrea, Tigray, Begemidir, Gojjam, Wollo, Gojjam, Lasta and Wag. Dynastic marriage was a significant political instrument, and it played a crucial role in maintaining the power and influence of the ruling classes. It was not just a civil union between male and female, but a strategic alliance between ruling classes that served to strengthen their positions and maintain power. It was a way for the ruling classes to secure their claims to the throne, consolidate their power, and maintain their influence over different regions. In maintaining the continuity of the royal lineage, dynastic marriage also played a significant role in shaping the social and economic landscape of the kingdom. By marrying into other powerful families, royal couples were able to access new resources, expand their networks, and increase their influence over different regions. In producing this article, I consulted relevant literature, traveler accounts and chronicles. Traveler accounts and chronicles are contemporary primary sources written during the period under study. Both traveler accounts and chronicler sources are carefully examined and cross-checked against other secondary sources.


Dynastic marriage, elite family integration, state continuity




How to Cite

Engida, A. E. (2024). Power of Politics, Patterns of Dynastic Marriage and Elite Family Integration in Ethiopia: The Experience of Gondarine Period, 1636-1769. Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.20372/ajbs.2024.9.1.1033



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